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How I Built a Drift Trike a Step by Step Guide.
573K Views, 738 Favorites
Drift Trike Forks - How I Joined a Huffy Green Machine Wheel to BMX Forks.
10K Views, 15 Favorites
Evolution of a Wind Turbine.
6.1K Views, 44 Favorites
Downsizing a Broken Emco Compact 5 PC Lathe to Manual Operation.
18K Views, 18 Favorites
Wood Stove Flue. Upgrade to 5", Resolving Some Problems + Home Made Fan Bellows.
3.1K Views, 15 Favorites
Raised Sand Box With Lid Made From Treated Fence Boards.
5.6K Views, 37 Favorites
Clip on Megaphone for a Smart Phone From Scrap.
2.0K Views, 6 Favorites
Water Cooled Chinese LTD Stirling Engine.
21K Views, 60 Favorites
LTD Stirling Upgrade, Less Thermally Conductive Displacer Tube Clamping Method.
3.3K Views, 16 Favorites
Hot Plate Mark II (Art Deco Style), or "how to Dial It Back a Notch After We Overcooked It Pushing the Envelope to Far"
2.8K Views, 13 Favorites
Wooden Enclosure for a Digital Thermometer.
1.8K Views, 4 Favorites
Stirling Engine Hot Plate, Pushing the Envelope on a Cheap LTD Stirling Engine
17K Views, 80 Favorites
Stubby 3 Part Turned Candle Stick From Scrap and Reclaimed Wood.
1.8K Views, 10 Favorites
Practice Bowl Turning Blanks From Old Planks.
3.9K Views, 15 Favorites
Three Part Turned Wooden Candlestick.
3.1K Views, 5 Favorites
Adapt a 6mm Drill Mop Mandril to Suit a Nova Series Chuck.
2.3K Views, 9 Favorites
Boxed in Wood Lathe Stand With Tool Bench and Dust Free Storage Area.
8.5K Views, 17 Favorites
Wood Turning Blanks From Scrap Timber.
5.2K Views, 17 Favorites
Wood Turning Parting Tool From a Power Hacksaw Blade, + Optional Old School Metal Scriber.
9.7K Views, 19 Favorites
Broken SAD Light / Happy Work Light. With Added Vitamin D
2.1K Views, 3 Favorites
Fit Guitar Strap End Pin Buttons and Gutar Style Strap to a Ukelele.
2.6K Views, 7 Favorites
Wood Lathe Tool Rest Rebuild / Repair
13K Views, 14 Favorites
Fence Post Bird Feeder.
6.4K Views, 8 Favorites
Recyled Tin Can Melting Pot, Mixing Pot or Painters Kettle.
2.0K Views, 14 Favorites
Seasoning Your Own Wood Turning Blanks From Fallen Tree Limbs.
164K Views, 75 Favorites
Simple Tools to Make Loft Insulation Easier (for Old Codgers)
4.3K Views, 8 Favorites
Wood Lathe Mod No. 4 - Lathe Bed Bench Attachment
5.6K Views, 10 Favorites
Band Saw Improvements - Make Changing Blades Easier.
2.3K Views, 4 Favorites
Airsoft BB Trap.
9.6K Views, 18 Favorites
Sack Truck Knapsack Sprayer Back Saver Mod
1.6K Views, 4 Favorites
Convert a Bathtub Into a Water Trough.
23K Views, 15 Favorites
Long Reach Watering Lance From Standard Plumbing Fittings.
2.2K Views, 6 Favorites
All in One Brass Garden Clock, Bird Table and Weather Vane
2.4K Views, 6 Favorites
Hurricane Balls Redux, the Solder Method, Feat. Science With Bez.
9.2K Views, 8 Favorites
Make Replacement Pads for a Cycling Helmet.
36K Views, 5 Favorites
How to Soften Up New Boots.
464K Views, 53 Favorites
Simple Drill Jig for Drilling a Perfect Hole in a Sphere.
18K Views, 24 Favorites
Hurricane Balls, 3000 Rpm+ Spinning Toy.
122K Views, 202 Favorites
12V Solenoid Beam Engine, Built From Aluminium Scraps and Scavanged Componants.
82K Views, 181 Favorites
12V DC Solenoid Engine - Slide Show - Stage 1 - Running, But Not So Pretty
4.9K Views, 3 Favorites
12V Solenoid Engine - Video
11K Views, 16 Favorites
Clamp on Solder Station / Work Bench.
7.1K Views, 49 Favorites
Cleaning a NSD Powerball.
20K Views, 6 Favorites
A Slate Sundial, Carved by My Great Great Great Grandfather in 1858.
3.1K Views, 8 Favorites
Sheet Metal Rat Trap, Modern Version of Traditional Slate Trap.
9.5K Views, 21 Favorites
How to Apply Vinal Decals, Some Useful Tips, Cheats and Tricks.
Etched Aluminium Using a Sand Blaster and Vinal Decal Mask.
15K Views, 19 Favorites
How to Attach a Flap Disk to a Wood Lathe.
5.1K Views, 10 Favorites
Make Those Visable Pop Rivets Look More Professional.
11K Views, 14 Favorites
Indian Larry Sissy Bar for a Beach Cruiser.
8.5K Views, 7 Favorites
Clamp on 12 V Anglepoise Lamp for Wood Lathe Made for Recycled Stuff.
5.9K Views, 6 Favorites
PVC Pipe Blades and Rotor for HAWT From Scrap.
72K Views, 235 Favorites
Is a Junk Washing Machine Really Junk? Usefull Materials for Cool Home Builds From a Dead Washing Machine.
131K Views, 164 Favorites
Home Made 5 String Banjo, Low Budget Built From Parts and Some Scrap.
84K Views, 98 Favorites
Stainless Steel Garden Incinerator - Patio Heater From Recycled Scrap.
165K Views, 432 Favorites
Lathe Upgrades. 2 Axis Vice and Rotozip - Mill Perfect Plywood Disks.
22K Views, 22 Favorites
Zombie PC Case Mod, Back From the Dead PC With Space Saving Side Mounted Drives.
16K Views, 33 Favorites
Automatic Incense Snuffer, Make Your Incense Last Longer.
6.7K Views, 14 Favorites
Bio Fuel Briquettes, Compress Paper Pulp and Sawdust Into Fuel Bricks.
454K Views, 466 Favorites
Wood Lathe Upgrades. Pt 3, Friction Plate.
9.9K Views, 32 Favorites
Wood Lathe Attachments & Improvements Pt 1, Low Buget Sanding Table.
15K Views, 44 Favorites
Model Generator Test Rig. Experiments on Home Made Power.
33K Views, 78 Favorites
DIY Wood Burner Pot Belly Stove. Made From a Gas Tank
294K Views, 633 Favorites
VAWT Lenz Type. Stage 1. Converting Wind Power to Rotary Motion.
82K Views, 203 Favorites